Type 2 Diabetes Guide

Candida Albicans and Diabetes - What Is It?

People with are at higher risk for . One of the more common complications are skin problems. One of these skin problems can be caused by Candida albicans, an organism that is actually already present on our bodies but that can also lead to infections of the skin. A problem occurs when there are changes in our bodies that allow it to grow or spread out of control. is an issue due to persistent, elevated blood sugar levels that can allow the fungus to spread.

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Parts of the Body Affected by Candida Albicans

An infection due to candida albicans usually occurs in these areas of the body:

  • In the groin area. A is one example. A vaginal yeast infection can cause intense itching and irritation, both inside the vagina and outside of it; a burning sensation when urinating; pain during sexual intercourse; and a white discharge that's often described as having the texture of cottage cheese.

  • In warm, moist areas like the underarms, under the breasts, in skin folds, and in between the fingers and toes. In babies, "diaper rash" is common.

  • In the mouth. This type of infection is called thrush. Thrush produces painful, white patches on the inside of the mouth, including on the tongue. It can be very painful and makes eating difficult.

  • In nailbeds. This can cause itchiness, pain, and swelling, and sometimes even cause the nail to separate from the nailbed.

Seeking Medical Care

If you are diabetic, you should consult with a doctor if a skin infection is present, no matter how minor it may seem. Medication may be needed to clear up the infection, and a home care regimen may be prescribed to help it clear up more quickly.

Candida albicans and diabetes is not an uncommon combination. However, you can minimize the risk of skin infections (or recurring infections) by practicing good . Keeping blood sugar levels consistently within the target ranges determined by your doctor will also go a long way towards preventing skin problems and other . Prevention, where possible, is preferable to treatment.



The information on this website is based on our own research and personal experience, and is not a substitute for medical advice. Questions about your health and individual situation should be directed to your doctor.