Type 2 Diabetes Guide

Low Blood Sugar in the Morning - Possible Causes in Type 2 Diabetics

can happen to anyone. If you have , though, you need to be extra careful to ensure that your blood sugar levels are carefully controlled.

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Low blood sugar is also called . Many people are irritable or cranky in the morning - that is, until they eat or drink something and then they miraculously come out of their funk. This could be due to low blood sugar.

Diabetics, on the other hand, often (due to the Dawn Phenomenon or the Somogyi Effect). During the remainder of the morning, however, you might feel tired or worn-down, irritable or nauseous - all signs of low blood sugar. This could be due to many factors, including:

  • Skipping breakfast or a snack. As a diabetic, you will need to follow a regular, balanced eating plan to keep your blood glucose levels under control.

  • More exercise than usual. Many people exercise first thing in the morning, to get it over with and out of the way for the day. If you exercised more than usual, though, your blood sugar may be lower than normal.

  • Too much medication or insulin. If you're taking medication or insulin injections, you need to balance them out with food. Eating too little for the amount of medication or insulin you took will lower your blood sugar too much. If your eating habits have changed, consult your doctor to see if there needs to be an adjustment to your medication.

Remember to always carry glucose gel with you in case you start to experience signs of hypoglycemia.

Although this article has focused on low blood sugar in the morning, all of the above factors that contribute to hypoglycemia can occur at any time of the day. The mornings can be more difficult for many people to "get organized" because it's often a rush to get to work or other commitments.

Proper diabetes management is essential to feeling good. Many people with diabetes are successful at Everyone with diabetes, whether they need medication or not, can benefit from a good treatment plan that will help to prevent blood glucose from dropping too low. Ask your healthcare provider to refer you to a dietitian who is experienced in helping diabetics. He or she can assist you in creating an eating plan that will help you keep your blood sugar within acceptable range.



The information on this website is based on our own research and personal experience, and is not a substitute for medical advice. Questions about your health and individual situation should be directed to your doctor.