Type 2 Diabetes Guide

Diabetic Skin Moisturizer - Why Regular Use is So Important

Many types of lotions, moisturizers, oil and other skin care products are marketed specifically to people with diabetes. Everyone's skin needs moisture - but as a diabetic, skin tends to dehydrate and turn dry more easily. Daily use of a good helps to prevent dry skin and the problems that can arise from it.

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You might be thinking, 'it's just dry skin, what's the big deal?'. It's uncomfortable, for one thing. Plus in people with diabetes, high blood sugar can cause severe , rash, and skin infections. Scratching itchy skin, or the splitting and cracking of dry skin can lead to wounds that can take longer to heal in diabetics. It's better to prevent dry skin than to risk having to retroactively deal with any additional issues caused by it.

There are many brands and types of moisturizers available (I really like Elta Lite and Eucerin, but there are lots of other great ones too). Note that you don't have to pick a moisturizer that's specifically marketed to diabetics. Choose a moisturizer that:

  • Avoids heavy fragrances, perfumes, or chemicals;
  • Offers quality hydrating ingredients that absorb quickly and easily into the skin;
  • Is non-greasy for comfort.

Aside from choosing a good moisturizer, there are several tips for keeping your skin as healthy as possible.

Good is also important and that includes moisturizing. Diabetics often have foot problems and should monitor their feet carefully and regularly to minimize both the severity and the number of problems.

You may need to try a number of different products before you find a diabetic skin moisturizer that works well for you. In addition to moisturizing daily, remember that the best way to keep skin issues under control is to make sure blood glucose levels are tightly controlled. Your doctor will set target blood sugar levels for you while discussing a plan. Staying within these target levels (or better) will help to minimize skin problems as well as other .



The information on this website is based on our own research and personal experience, and is not a substitute for medical advice. Questions about your health and individual situation should be directed to your doctor.